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--> TOP 学部紹介 学部長メッセージ 人材育成目的・学部ポリシー 教員紹介 数字で見る情報理工学部 資格・卒業後の進路 大連理工大学・立命館大学国際情報ソフトウェア学部 パンフレット紹介 自己評価・外部評価 学部紹介動画 学びの特色 情報理工学部の強み・特長 カリキュラム コース紹介 システムアーキテクトコース セキュリティ・ネットワークコース 社会システムデザインコース 実世界情報コース メディア情報コース 知能情報コース Information Systems Science and Engineering Course ユニット紹介 海外IT研修・海外インターンシップ 研究活動 在学生・卒業生の活躍 入試・学費 +MORE 「好き」×「ICT」で世界はきっと変えられる情報技術で「好き」を追求。学生それぞれのストーリー オープンキャンパス オープンキャンパス2023 オープンキャンパス2022 在学生の方へ 卒業生の方へ ENGLISH Wenbin LIU 劉 文斌 Assistant Professor TOP 学部紹介 教員紹介 劉 文斌 Assistant Professor 所属学部 情報理工学部 職位 Assistant Professor 専門 Human-assist Robotics, Control Theory 担当コース Information Systems Science and Engineering Course 主な担当科目 Introduction to Robotics, Engineering Mathematics 研究分野・テーマ Human-Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robots, Multi-agent Control 過去の部活動 Basketball, Literature 得意な科目 Mathematics, History, Geography 苦手な科目 English, Music おすすめの書籍 Sophie's World Author: Jostein Gaarder The Romance of the Three KingdomsAuthor: Luo Guanzhong Gulliver's TravelsAuthor: Jonathan Swift Message What are the appealing and interesting points of Information Science and Engineering? Information Science and Engineering offers students a highly appealing and dynamic academic and career path. Students can explore various specializations, from artificial intelligence to web development, aligning their studies with their unique interests. Furthermore, the ever-evolving nature of the field keeps students engaged in continuous learning and innovation, with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies. Please describe your major research, activities, and current research themes.(Itemize) My current research primarily focuses on the field of assistive robotics. Assistive robotics technology is a means of providing assistance to the elderly and individuals with disabilities through robots. These robots can perform a wide range of tasks, such as assisting with bathing, dressing, fetching objects, and even providing medical care. They can also monitor health conditions, remind individuals to take medications, and offer companionship to alleviate feelings of loneliness. The ultimate goal of this technology is to enhance the independence and quality of life for the elderly and those with disabilities while also reducing the burden on caregivers. Assistive robotics technology is continually evolving, and we hope it can offer assistance to a growing number of individuals. What are your expectations for new students entering the university? How would you like to see them progress during their time at the university? For incoming university students, I expect to see them maintain their curiosity about knowledge and the world, actively seek answers to questions, pose new inquiries, and continue their pursuit of knowledge during their time at the university. In the university setting, they should enthusiastically explore various disciplines and fields, extending beyond their chosen majors. Additionally, they should nurture their critical thinking skills to analyze information and pose profound questions. It is important that they become proactive learners, with their thirst for knowledge not confined to the classroom. They should also engage in cross-disciplinary exploration, acquiring knowledge from different domains, and cultivate a love for lifelong learning. Please describe technologies that you find interesting now. I'm currently very interested in human-machine integration technology. It can make robots more intelligent and automated by leveraging technologies like machine learning and deep learning to better understand human needs and contexts. Additionally, this technology can make interactions between humans and machines more seamless and natural, including more intuitive user interfaces and the integration of biometric sensing technologies. I believe that healthcare and medical care will continue to benefit from this technology, enabling more personalized medical solutions. 教員紹介一覧へ戻る 学部紹介 学部長メッセージ 人材育成目的・学部ポリシー 教員紹介 数字で見る情報理工学部 資格・卒業後の進路 大連理工大学・立命館大学国際情報ソフトウェア学部 パンフレット紹介 自己評価・外部評価 学部紹介動画 Page Top 入試情報 立命館大学 大学院 情報理工学研究科 情報理工学部パンフレット Downloads 2024年 大阪いばらきキャンパス新展開 このサイトについて プライバシーポリシー アクセス お問い合わせ © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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