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ようこそ  ゲスト さん ログイン 入力補助 English Top ブラウズ 著者 出版年 雑誌名 資料種別 ランキング アクセスランキング ダウンロードランキング その他 成果物の登録方法 大東文化大学図書館HP このアイテムのアクセス数:150件(2024-04-29 07:11 集計) 閲覧可能ファイル  ファイル フォーマット サイズ 閲覧回数 説明 KJ00004797342 pdf 0.99 MB 137 論文情報 タイトル アメリカの格差社会(<特集>国際シンポジウム2006「格差と差別 : アメリカ型新自由主義とヨーロッパ型社会民主主義」) タイトルヨミ アメリカ ノ カクサ シャカイ トクシュウ コクサイ シンポジウム 2006 カクサ ト サベツ : アメリカガタ シンジユウシュギ ト ヨーロッパガタ シャカイ ミンシュシュギ 著者名 著者/ヨミ/別表記 ジョン, キャンベル 抄録・概要 There are several reasons for the U.S. to be different, what is often called &#34;American exceptionalism.&#34; Historically, the nation was founded in a revolution to achieve limited government; we are a country of immigrants with diverse backgrounds; our frontier culture emphasizes self-reliance. More than European countries, there is a tendency toward a mobile society, free-market economics, small government, and the ideology of individualism. Americans value equality, but more equality of opportunity than of results. America has thus generally been to the &#34;right&#34; of most European countries in the postwar period, but the pendulum has swung back and forth. Currently the Republican administration is based on a coalition of three interests: - Social conservatives based on fundamentalist Christianity, worried about homosexuality, abortion, and &#34;affirmative action&#34; regarding race. - Economic conservatives or &#34;neo-liberals, &#34; big-business groups interested in small government, lower taxes, opposition to labor unions, and deregulation. - Foreign policy conservatives or &#34;neo-conservatives, &#34; hawks earlier opposed to Communism and now to &#34;Islamofascism.&#34; With regard to economics, the Bush agenda of cutting taxes on the richest people and other pro-business policies has led to high corporate profits but weak generation of jobs and little if any improvement in the income of ordinary people. Since costs of health care, education and other necessities continue to go up, real standards of living have gone down. Tuesday, Nov. 6, is election day, and the Democrats are expected to win due mainly to scandals and Iraq. However, the &#34;gap&#34; is an important issue in the background. A Democratic congress cannot due too much with a Republican president, but the direction of policy should change, and if they capture the White House in 2008 we should see a substantial movement toward egalitarian policies such as taxes and health care. 掲載誌名 国際比較政治研究 NCID AN10393075 ISSN 09189092 巻 16 開始ページ 40 終了ページ 53, 122-123 刊行年月日 2007-03 言語 日本語 資料種別(NII) 紀要論文 コンテンツの種類 紀要論文 著者版フラグ publisher ホームへ戻る © 2024 Daito Bunka University, All rights reserved       お問い合わせ先 リポジトリ担当 [email protected]

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