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立命館大学 研究者学術情報データベース English>> TOPページ TOPページ > RASIT HUSEYIN (最終更新日 : 2021-06-22 00:46:34) ラシット フセイン RASIT HUSEYIN RASIT HUSEYIN 所属 グローバル教養学部 グローバル教養学科 職名 准教授 業績 その他所属 プロフィール 学歴 職歴 委員会・協会等 所属学会 資格・免許 研究テーマ 研究概要 研究概要(関連画像) 現在の専門分野 研究 著書 論文 その他 学会発表 その他研究活動 講師・講演 受賞学術賞 科学研究費助成事業 競争的資金等(科研費を除く) 共同・受託研究実績 取得特許 研究高度化推進制度 教育 授業科目 教育活動 社会活動 社会における活動 研究交流希望テーマ その他 研究者からのメッセージ ホームページ メールアドレス 科研費研究者番号 researchmap研究者コード 外部研究者ID その他所属 1. 衣笠総合研究機構 中東・イスラーム研究センター   学歴 1. 2014/08/24~2021/06/04 博士課程 │ Sociology │ Sociology │ Yale University │ 修了 │ Ph. D. in Sociology 2. 2011/09/15~2014/06/01 修士課程 │ Political Science │ Political Science │ Sabancı University │ 単位取得満期退学 3. 2004/09/01~2009/07/01 Computer Engineering │ Computer Engineering │ Boğaziçi University │ 卒業 │ B.Sc. in Computer Engineering 職歴 1. 2021/04 ~ Associate Professor │ College of Global Liberal Arts │ Ritsumeikan University 2. 2020/09/01 ~ 2021/06/30 Research Fellow │ Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs │ Harvard University 3. 2018/07/01 ~ 2021/08/15 Instructor │ Sociology │ Yale University 4. 2010/10/01 ~ 2011/09/01 Software Developer │ │ Banksoft 研究テーマ 1. Developing an integrated theory of ideology 2. Impact of ideologies on state-building outcomes 3. Roots of different political orientations and their prevalence 研究概要 Relationship between ideologies and political conflict At the broadest level, my research agenda covers the relationship between ideologies and political conflict. My dissertation analyzes the impact of ideological frameworks on state-building outcomes by focusing on three emergent political formations in 21st-Century Syria and Iraq: Kurdistan-Syria, Kurdistan-Iraq, and the Islamic State. Despite rising to significance within the same time and space, these three formations pursue widely different political projects. My dissertation argues that ideology is the key factor to explain this variance and demonstrates that ideological articulations shape state-building outcomes by leading actors to pursue certain institutions, relations, and practices. My current project shifts the focus from the effects of ideologies to their formation and rise to prominence. Specifically, I ask: why do certain political orientations – from far-left to far-right – become dominant in a given time and space? Especially in a period of rapid resurgence of authoritarian movements and governments around the globe, this question is more important than ever. I am currently developing a comparative study of Asian and other international cases to offer a comprehensive and multidimensional answer to this question. 現在の専門分野 思想史, 政治学, 社会学, 地域研究 (キーワード:Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements, State-Building, Ideologies, Middle East Studies, Political Sociology, Comparative-Historical Social Science, Social Theory) 論文 1. 2021/06/19 Competing Revolutionaries: Legitimacy and Leadership in Revolutionary Situations │ The British Journal of Sociology │ (単著)   2. 2020/02/11 Decentralist Vanguards: Women’s Autonomous Power and Left Convergence in Rojava │ Globalizations │ 17 (5),869-883頁 (共著)   3. 2020/01/01 Imperialism, Revolution, and the Desire to Lecture the Kurds: How Should We (Not) Analyze U.S.-Kurdish Relations │ Kurdish Autonomy and U.S. Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change │ ,225-241頁 (単著)   4. 2017/09/22 Not Another Story of Failed Liberation: Tensions in Bashur and Rojava in the Light of the Referendum │ openDemocracy │ (単著)   ホームページ Department Webpage Personal Website researchmap研究者コード R000023064 外部研究者ID ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5342-2088 © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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